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Speaker's Page:
Margaret Corbit

Educators' Track

Avatars98 Homepage
11 am - 12 noon PST
[7 pm - 8 GMT]
Active Worlds

Margaret Corbit, Cornell Theory Center

will host a group discussion on the topic:

SciCentr: Founding a Science Museum in Active Worlds

"The Cornell Theory Center is exploring the use of 3D multiuser, interactive worlds for informal science education. Our model is a cross between a conventional science center and a World's Fair. I would like to tell people about our project and get their ideas on how we can make this as exciting, appealing, and interactive as possible."

"As a member of the staff at the Cornell Theory Center(CTC), I research and write articles describing many aspects of the science conducted at and/or supported by the CTC for our online publications. In addition, I coordinate the development of the online informal science education sites which include our online science books and special online exhibits. I am also a member of the team developing an integrated, Web-based GIS system for New York State's Empire State Development office."

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