Avatars99 Colonizing Cyberspace

Avatars99 Schedule of Events
Avatars99 will take place inside several virtual worlds platforms supported on Windows and Mac computers on modem dialup (28.8 or higher) speeds. Each platform has its own content, community and culture, and is supported by a different company or institution. We thought it best to give each of the platform communities their own day to celebrate, so Avatars99 is a series of events spread over weekends from October 30th through to December 5th, 1999. The next event date is Saturday December 4th, with events in Active Worlds and Onlive Traveler.

Upcoming/Past Avatars99 Events


The virtual discussion rooms, artworks in the gallery in the Active Worlds events for Avatars99

December 4th: Fourteen fabulous worlds will be the center of Avatars99 in the Active Worlds Universe. Download and install Active Worlds (Windows only) to get ready for this event. You can "colonize" these worlds by contributing your art to our gallery, becoming a speaker, booking a booth, jacking in your webcam, hosting a local event in your town, and entering your stories and avatars into our annual awards. Sign up to participate today!


Scene from Avatars98 in Traveler (Boulderman's world)

Download and experience the fabulous voice powered lip syching face to face worlds of Onlive Traveler (Windows Only). Special events on December 4th will feature worlds designed by the good folks at OzGate, World Wide Party and other dedicated Traveler communities.

Traveler spaces showing Av99 mascots Avonaut and Avanaut as built by the OzGate team

The event spaces and schedule will be described at this page. Contact the folks at communities.com through this email address: av99@onlive.com

Scenes from a Voce performance at Siggraph 97


Other events will be announced soon for other platforms including:

Past Avatars99 Events

The Cybertown Event is over, but read our report of the day's activities here!

See the special Cybertown Avatars99 Event pages

more details below..

Oct 30th in Cybertown: Blaxxun Interactive, the New York VRML SIG, the Los Angeles Virtual Reality Users Group, The Electronic Cafe International (Santa Monica CA), The Art Center College of Design (Pasadena CA), and other groups will present special events including Neal Stephenson's birthday party!

Larry Rosenthals CUBE3 entrance for AV99 Blaxxun Oct 30th events will be at http://www.cube3.com/multivr1.html
which has a link to the Full Starbase C3 site as well as entrances to two Halloween based Horror worlds..all on the left frame. Also find his Starship Design Contest that'll run through the av99 event ending on 11/7/99..... details are at: http://www.cube3.com/starbase.htm (the main entrance to Starbase C3)

See the special Cybertown Avatars99 Event pages for an exact schedule and directions to download and install Blaxxun Contact (Windows only) to get ready for this event

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A Contact Consortiium Event
DigitalSpace Corporation, Producer

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